
November 2018
landlord tenant law in NYC 1
The law is a complicated subject. There are so many different types of laws and lawyers that specialize in certain areas, it can be tough to understand which lawyer is applicable to your own unique situation. Landlord-tenant law in NYC is an example of a type of law you might be interested in, particularly if...
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landlord tenant law in NYC
If you are leasing property or have leased property in the past, you are certainly aware of the term security deposit. The last thing you want to do prior to paying your first month’s rent is handing your landlord an extra fee, but that’s the reality of renting property. A security deposit is essentially a...
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tenant buyout attorney1
If you were a landlord receiving monthly rent from your tenants but knew that you could be getting more money, what would you do? You can’t just kick tenants out because you want to make more money, even if the market conditions have changed dramatically since the lease was originally drawn up. However, there is...
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